Friday, April 30, 2010
Women to march topless through Farmington

The 7 Ballsiest Pranks You Won't Believe Actually Worked

After the American military landed in France after D-Day, they faced a German war machine that by this time was good and pissed off. Borrowing something straight out of Wile E. Coyote's playbook, they set out to baffle the Nazis with a completely separate army armed with nothing but fake inflatable tanks. What the Germans thought was a 30,000-man armored battalion was in fact a thousand artists (mostly art students recruited for the task) wearing fake uniforms, sending out fictional battle reports over the radio (complete with a war sound effects record playing in the background) all while trying to keep their tanks from getting knocked over by the wind. This is crazy, great, but crazy. I've never heard of this before which makes it even crazier. Click on the pic for the other six stories.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
'I'm in love with my grandson and we're having a baby'

Pearl Carter is positively glowing with joy. She has a handsome new boyfriend, is enjoying an active sex life after many years of celibacy and, amazingly, is preparing to become a mother again.
But the retired grandmother isn't carrying the baby herself. She and her young lover have spent a staggering $54,000 hiring a surrogate to help them with their dreams of having a child.
What makes Pearl's decision to become a mum again even more shocking is that her new boyfriend is her biological grandson, 26-year-old Phil Bailey. Um, this is just gross. Click on the pic for the full story.
But the retired grandmother isn't carrying the baby herself. She and her young lover have spent a staggering $54,000 hiring a surrogate to help them with their dreams of having a child.
What makes Pearl's decision to become a mum again even more shocking is that her new boyfriend is her biological grandson, 26-year-old Phil Bailey. Um, this is just gross. Click on the pic for the full story.
He Says Thumbs Down To Food And Water

Prahlad Jani’s claims are being put to the test at a hospital in Ahmedabad, where he is being closely monitored and studied by India’s Defence Research Development Organisation, which believes he may have a quality which could help save lives, The Telegraph reports. He has so far spent six days without food or water under the strict observation of doctors who say his body is yet to show any signs of hunger or dehydration. Mr Jani is regarded as a "breatharian" who can live a "spiritual life-force" alone. He believes he is sustained by the "elixir" of a goddess. Nutritionist says he could die in days. You don't have to be a nutritionist to figure that out, the guys 82 of course he could die any day. Click on the pic for the story.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
McDonald's Happy Meal 'came with cigarette'

Vacation in Hell...Michigan, That Is

Sometimes traveling can seem like hell, thanks to traffic jams, long lines and lost luggage. But for visitors to one Michigan town, vacation can seem like Hell -- literally. Hell Michigan seems a bit redundant, doesn't it? Click on the pic to see the other wacky names.
Cub Scouts Give Up Entirely, Offer Video Game Badge

Friday, April 23, 2010
Bret Michaels Suffers Brain Hemorrhage

After suffering an excruciating headache late Thursday night, Michaels, 47, was rushed to an undisclosed hospital where doctors discovered he had a massive brain hemorrhage, reports People.com. Click on the pic to read more.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Boobquake determined to prove cleric wrong

"Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes,'' Sedighi said. Now Jennifer McCreight is determined to prove him wrong.
Since launching the "Boobquake" Facebook page two days ago, she has enlisted more than 20,000 women promising to show as much cleavage as possible on Monday, April 26. Thank you Jennifer, I need to find out where "Boobquake" La Crosse is taking place! Click on the pic for the full story.
15 Unintentionally Perverted Toys for Children

But sometimes, they just end up looking like dongs. I don't know how "unintentional" all of these are, the vibrating Harry Potter broom, I mean come on you'd have to be a idiot not to realize the problem with that. Click on the pic to see the whole list.
Packers Take Bryan Bulaga OT Form Iowa As 23rd pick overall in the 2010

The Big 12, led by Oklahoma, kicked off a big party for itself at Radio City Music Hall in the first prime-time NFL draft Thursday night.Tim Tebow had a grand time, too, breaking into the first round at No. 25 to Denver. The selection of the Florida quarterback, the mystery man of this draft, drew the loudest reaction — a mix of cheers and boos — from the audience. I'm happy with the Pack's pick, they obviously needed some help on the offensive line last year, and hopefully Bulaga can be a instant impact kind of player.
Drew Brees, You've Been Cursed

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
6 Famous Characters You Didn't Know Were Shameless Rip Offs

So over the weekend I saw the movie Kick Ass, and I thought that it did exactly that. But, I couldn't help but notice that the charter of "Big Daddy" seemed to look and act a lot like Batman. So it got me thinking what other charters have been more or less ripped off. They say there are no original ideas out there, and we can believe that. Storytelling themes are universal and we understand when a character or scene gets "borrowed" here and there. Click on the pic to see six charters that are rip offs.
But it's hard not to feel betrayed when you find out that some of the stories around which your entire childhood revolved were, for the most part, copied and pasted in with a cavalier attitude of, "the little bastards will never know the difference!"
But it's hard not to feel betrayed when you find out that some of the stories around which your entire childhood revolved were, for the most part, copied and pasted in with a cavalier attitude of, "the little bastards will never know the difference!"
Big Ben pays for wrong-headed decisions

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
10 Fast Food Items Worse For You Than The KFC Double Down

KFC's Double Down -- the bacon sandwich where two pieces of fried chicken replace the bread -- has been catching a lot of flack lately; much of it deserved. But a quick comparison of the nutritional (for want of a better word) info between the Double Down and some items on the menus at other fast food joints shows that the "warped creation of a syphilitic brain" might not be as bad for you as a salad at Wendy's. I think that I should probably try out the KFC Double Down, why not? I like chicken and bacon and cheese. I'll just have the one meal for the day and make sure that I take a ten mile run. Click on the pic to see the list.
Seven Shows That Peaked In Season One

April is STD Awareness Month. Pass it on

Prom-goers watch repo man drive away in their limo

Friday, April 16, 2010
Woman becomes first person banned from EVERY pub and club in the country

A woman has become the first person to be banned from buying or drinking alcohol anywhere in England and Wales.
Laura Hall, 20, was issued with a Drinking Banning Order - nicknamed Booze Asbos - which bars her from entering any pub, club, off-licence or bar. The two-year order also bans Hall from buying alcohol at any other establishment or shop, carrying it in an unsealed container or drinking it in a public place. She's hot, she'll just find some guy to buy her beer now. Click on the pic for the full story.
Laura Hall, 20, was issued with a Drinking Banning Order - nicknamed Booze Asbos - which bars her from entering any pub, club, off-licence or bar. The two-year order also bans Hall from buying alcohol at any other establishment or shop, carrying it in an unsealed container or drinking it in a public place. She's hot, she'll just find some guy to buy her beer now. Click on the pic for the full story.
The 5 Most Badass Presidents of All-Time

#5-Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson
If you're wondering how a guy we're calling a bad ass got such a lame nickname, it's because he used to carry a hickory cane around and beat people senseless with it, and if you're wondering why he did that, it's because he was a freaking lunatic. He was also quite the dueler, the number of duels that Jackson took part in varies depending on what source you consult; some say 13, while others rank the number somewhere in the 100's, both of which are entirely too many times for a reasonable human being to stand in front of someone who is trying to kill them with a loaded gun. I had no idea he was this nuts, click on the pic to see the other four.
Expired Beer Theft: Crime or Waste Management?

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Huge fireball likely large meteor that may have left debris

A fiery ball of light witnessed by thousands as it swept over the upper Midwest Wednesday night was almost certainly a large meteor that probably left a trail of debris across southern Wisconsin, asteroid experts say.The path of the meteor was tracked by Doppler radar at two National Weather Service stations, in the Quad Cities and at LaCrosse, Wis. "It has the appearance that is completely consistent with being a bright meteor," said Mark Hammergren, an Adler Planetarium astronomer who specializes in asteroids, after viewing the Doppler images.
The object, which lit up the sky shortly after 10 p.m. Wednesday across parts of Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin, was very likely a piece of an asteroid, a rocky planetoid formation that orbits the sun, he said. Almost all meteors come from asteroids. I missed it which sucks because the pictures of this thing look amazing. Well I bet I'm not as upset as the stargazer Jack Horkheimer, poor guy probably won't ever stop looking up now. Click on the pic for the full story.
The object, which lit up the sky shortly after 10 p.m. Wednesday across parts of Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin, was very likely a piece of an asteroid, a rocky planetoid formation that orbits the sun, he said. Almost all meteors come from asteroids. I missed it which sucks because the pictures of this thing look amazing. Well I bet I'm not as upset as the stargazer Jack Horkheimer, poor guy probably won't ever stop looking up now. Click on the pic for the full story.
Controversial crucifix creates rift at Warr Acres church
I can see what their talking about, but I'm pretty sure that it's his abs. Either way big deal, every guys got one, even Jesus. I'm guessing it could have been like the one in the picture because were talking about god's son here. Click on the pic for the full story and to view the pic.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Oh, That Feels Hot!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth

It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in ghosts, there are some places in which none of us would want to spend a night. These places have well earned their reputations as being so creepy, tragic or mysterious (or all three) that they definitely qualify as "haunted."
Places like the Overtoun Bridge.
Located near Scotland's charming little village of Milton in the peaceful burgh of Dumbarton, the Overtoun Bridge is a local arch construction where no human beings have ever died in any suspicious circumstances whatsoever over the last few decades. However, during that span, for reasons we can't begin to possibly understand, hundreds and hundreds of dogs have killed themselves there. It appears that dogs have been plunging off of Overtoun since the early 60s, at a rate of one animal a month... bringing the total number today to around 600 mutts, who for some reason, decided to end it all. People who actually witnessed the reported dogs willingly climbing the parapet wall and leaping to their doom with dumbass doggy grins on their faces. It has been observed that certain dogs that jumped off the bridge and survived, climbed back up and THREW THEMSELVES TO THEIR DEATHS ALL OVER AGAIN. This is sounds like some crazy Art Bell of Unsolved Mysteries crap, but it's true. Click on the pic to see the other five creepy places.
Places like the Overtoun Bridge.
Located near Scotland's charming little village of Milton in the peaceful burgh of Dumbarton, the Overtoun Bridge is a local arch construction where no human beings have ever died in any suspicious circumstances whatsoever over the last few decades. However, during that span, for reasons we can't begin to possibly understand, hundreds and hundreds of dogs have killed themselves there. It appears that dogs have been plunging off of Overtoun since the early 60s, at a rate of one animal a month... bringing the total number today to around 600 mutts, who for some reason, decided to end it all. People who actually witnessed the reported dogs willingly climbing the parapet wall and leaping to their doom with dumbass doggy grins on their faces. It has been observed that certain dogs that jumped off the bridge and survived, climbed back up and THREW THEMSELVES TO THEIR DEATHS ALL OVER AGAIN. This is sounds like some crazy Art Bell of Unsolved Mysteries crap, but it's true. Click on the pic to see the other five creepy places.
Would You Use This Wine Purse?

Monday, April 12, 2010
Conan O'Brien To Make TBS His New Late-Night Home

I can't wait to see Conan back on the air, even though I won't be able to see it. I'm at the station when it air's and I don't even have TBS. But, anyway, I'm still glad to see he'll be back on the air. Click on the pic for the full story.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Woman's giant chest suffocated boyfriend during sex
Boy arrested for taking mom's jewelry

PANAMA CITY, Fla., April 8 (UPI) -- Florida police said a sixth-grader was arrested at the request of his parents for taking more than $7,000 worth of jewelry from his mother and giving it away.
Police said the Bay County boy told investigators he gave his mother's white gold ring and diamond ring to a female classmate who later returned the white gold ring but told him she had lost the diamond ring, The Lakeland (Fla.) Ledger reported Thursday. Thanks Mom! Right? Click on the pic for the full story.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Badgers advance to NCAA championship with 8-1 win over RIT

Another Tiger Woods Sky Prank -- En Route

-- has another trick up his sleeve ... and it's gonna fly overhead any minute now. Click on the pic for the full story.
Chips most dangerous food to eat while driving

It heads the top 10 foods and drinks which cause motorists to take their eyes off the road closely followed by chocolate and fizzy pop. I would have thought that soup would be more dangerous, but I guess chips could give you a heart attack or something. Click on the pic for the full story.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
US forces fight Taliban with heavy metal

"Taliban hate [this] music," said a US special forces sergeant. "Some locals complain but it's a way to push them to choose [sides]. It's motivating marines as well." Apparently, when rebel forces start firing on American soldiers in Marjah, an armoured vehicle with "powerful speakers" fires up the tunes, blaring rock and heavy metal so loudly that it can be heard two kilometres away. The tactical playlist continues for several hours. Click on the pic for the full story.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Top 10 Funniest Celebrity Near Deaths

Grandpa Favre

Top Jerks in film. They're all here except Steve Martin

Here's a rundown of some of the actors who have the skills to play the jerks, thugs, a**holes, bullies, and punks in some of the best loved movies of all time. Click on the pic.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Man takes "This is a stick up" WAY too literally

Police in Madrid began receiving reports of the thefts in January.
Victims said the "only objective" of the lone gunman was to take boxes of Viagra and cash.
Click on the pic for the full story.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
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